Vitess Roadmap

Upcoming features planned for development

As an open source project, Vitess is developed by a community of contributors. Many of the contributors run Vitess in production, and add features to address their specific pain points. As a result of this, we can not guarantee features listed here will be implemented in any specific order.

If you have a specific question about the Roadmap, we recommend posting in our Slack channel, click the Slack icon in the top right to join. This is a very active community forum and a great place to interact with other users.

Last Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Short Term (1-3 months) #

  • Improve Documentation
  • Improve Usability
    • Viper framework for flags
  • Query serving
    • Support more MySQL Syntax (improve compatibility as a drop-in replacement)
      • Better information_schema support
    • Improve error messages
    • New UI for benchmarking
  • VReplication
    • Vtctld Server API including online DDL
    • Benchmarking
    • Performance improvements
  • VTAdmin
    • Single component
    • Ease of deployment
    • More UIs
  • Technical debt
    • VTOrc cleanup
  • Vitess operator
    • Documentation
    • Kubernetes 1.25 support

Medium / Long Term (3-18 months) #

  • MySQL compatibility
    • Support more frameworks
    • Foreign Key support
  • Query Serving improvements
    • Performance
    • More supported queries
  • Schema changes
    • Usability
  • VTAdmin UI
    • VReplication
    • Schema Management
  • VTOrc improvements
    • Reduce client downtime
  • Read-After-Write consistency
  • Distributed Transactions